Meet a Member

 sue hill

I joined Derby Photographic Society in 2016 and that club merged with Rolls Royce Photographic Society in 2021.

I find the club welcoming and friendly. The speakers are inspirational and informative.

Wednesday nights are great fun and on competition nights we are able to see the fantastic work of other members. When we have practical nights there is always someone willing to help and share their knowledge.

During COVID I lost a bit interest in photography, but since joining Rolls Royce my interest is returning.

Most of my photography is holiday based. My camera is a Lumix four thirds G9II, mainly because it is light and easy to carry around.

We bought a camper van in 2015, when we retired, so that we could have lots of holidays, but also take our dog. Since then we have covered the coast line of Great Britain and Ireland, plus a few trips to France.

We tend not to book places to go, we just book days in the diary and then see where the weather is going to be good. Last year we were going to Devon but on the day of our departure, they had parasites in the water, so we went to Scotland instead, where we had wall to wall sunshine for the best part of 12 days.