The year so far

Jonathan Vaines

8 May 2024

By David Lane

On Wednesday, Jonathan Vaines gave us a fascinating insight into his life as a Visual Artist, creating some extraordinary images which are simply stunningly detailed and beautiful. Seeing them in print form was a real treat.

What struck me (and made me realise my own shortcomings) was his ability to have a clear vision of what he's trying to achieve before he starts shooting. Jonathan obviously spends a long time thinking about and planning his shoots to create his sets and projects.

As he said, he knows his camera inside-out; has read the manual thoroughly, and he researches possible techniques in great detail. Thomas Jefferson said: "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it". Jonathan is obviously a very lucky man.

This was a scintillating talk, and brave too, speaking as he was to one of the most successful competition camera clubs in the country.

Jonathan's opened our minds to a whole new world.