Front Cover Club

Congratulations to RRDPS Member Gianpiero Ferrari.

His wonderful image of Apollo butterflies was recently chosen for the front cover of the Royal Photographic Societies Nature Group magazine.   It’s a loverly image and a stunning front cover.

2024 Celebration Evening 

15 May 2024

On 15th May we had another great night in a packed club room for our 2024 Celebration Evening.

In the first half of the evening our Chairman Brian Stephenson gave a presentation showcasing the season’s internal club competitions and we enjoyed seeing images from all of our members who had entered. Brian then announced the winners, and the trophies were presented by our President Geoff Kirk.

Many thanks to everyone who entered the competitions throughout the season and congratulations to all of the trophy winners.

In the second half of the evening, we had a fantastic buffet and social. A great way to finish our 2023/24 season

Click on image to expand

Joint Winners - 2022

This was team RRDPS at the PAGB Print Championship at Blackburn. 36 clubs competed for the trophy, having qualified at area competitions earlier in the year. The end of the first round saw us in 3rd place, but only two points behind the leaders. This took us easily through to the final, along with another 8 clubs. There was only one 15 awarded but we had our share of the 14's thanks to Gianpiero, Jamie, Jon and Katrina.

The judges weren't favouring any particular genre, which is fair but makes it difficult to select for the final. We submitted our 15 images and held our breath. Perfect scores of 15 were rare, but we did amass 8 x 13s and 14s with images from Gianpiero Ferrari, Jamie MacArthur, Jon Mee, Katrina Mee, Brian Stephenson, Carol McNiven Young, Martin Duffy and Sue Hartley.

We were delighted to be announced as joint winners with Catchlight, (who have an excellent record having taken 1st place in the previous 2yrs) both clubs scoring 191 points. Wigan 10 took third place with 185. The icing on the cake was Katrina receiving a selector's award and silver medal for Besides Still Waters' . This and the other 14 images from the final round can be seen here.

Our thanks as always go to all our members for their support, and for giving the selection committee so many good images to choose from. We'd also like to thank the PAGB team for all the hard work they put in to make these events happen.

We are very proud to have won the FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2022. This yearly event organised by FIAP is an international competition for clubs around the world. Each club submits 20 images with a maximum of 2 images per author. These images are scored by a panel of international judges. 224 clubs from 48 countries entered the competition and there was a total of 4,385 images.

This was our 9th entry to the FIAP WCFC and we’ve been close on a couple of occasions, so to finally win it is fantastic, especially as this was the only one of the ‘big competitions’ we hadn’t won. It’s great to join Wigan 10, Smethwick and Catchlight on the list of UK winners.

It was also a great bonus for us to win the Maurice Dorikens Trophy for the 3rd time in the last 4 years as this is given out to the club who has performed best in the competition over the previous five years, rewarding a consistently good entry.